WWW Access Statistics for the last 12 months

Hits by Month

Short statistics for November 2007 (updated more frequently)
Month Hits Files Cached Pageviews Sessions KB sent
November 2007 1286 568 550 253 221 2643
October 2007 2872 1331 1149 635 482 11015
September 2007 2071 1130 560 744 455 5000
August 2007 2183 935 815 640 550 5866
July 2007 3354 1029 1541 648 584 8930
June 2007 965 566 24 568 499 445
May 2007 1241 805 23 808 593 452
April 2007 1252 695 78 620 524 1279
March 2007 1600 824 82 767 665 12296
February 2007 1424 779 163 626 537 3424
January 2007 1173 619 12 605 548 493
December 2006 1770 880 258 759 609 2721
Total 21191 10161 5255 7673 6267 54559
Average 1765 846 437 639 522 4547

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http-analyze 2.4 16/Nov/2007 01:45